07/01/2025 – 14:30
In light of the weather warnings and conditions and to provide clarity for the coming days our classes will remain online for Wed 8th and Thurs 9th Jan. Thank you for your understanding.
07/01/2025 – 8:00
We have made the decision to move classes to online for today due to current conditions.
06/01/2025 – 21:30
In light of the current conditions we are delaying our opening until 11am on Tues 7th Jan 2025. Classes will begin at 11:20. A further update will be sent at 9am tomorrow.
06/01/2025 – 15:10
Good afternoon and happy new year to you all.
I hope you all had a realxing and peaceful Christmas and haven’t been too affected by the current weather conditions.
In consultation with the bus inspector our aim for Tuesday 7th January is to open as normal with the building being opened at 8:15 and classes to begin at 8:57. Currently the plan is for buses to run, but not all may be able to run. It is also possible that buses may stick to main roads only but they will make that call themselves in the morning.
As always at times like this there is the possibility that our plans may change so we will inform you as early as possible in the morning should we be forced into a change. Where it has been possible we have moved to online learning and teaching with work being assigned, online classes taking place while students can also access their Studyclix for additional supports.
As the current weather spell is due to last until around Friday we will keep you informed as to our plans on a daily basis. In the meantime should you need to contact us you can email miccinfo@corketb.ie
Kind regards
Niall Murphy